Intellectual Scientific Research Iniative (ISRI) firmly consider manuscript that is submitted only to ISRI and it should not be either published before nor should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Authors wishing to submit manuscript for Intellectual Scientific Research Iniative (ISRI) are requested to carefully read and follow the following instructions:
Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit their paper to the Mail ID :
Paper types
Authors are first advised to check the paper category and then to proceed further for manuscript submission process.
The paper types considered in our journal are
Review paper : It provides a detailed analysis, evaluation and criticism on a topic of recent interest or of emerging field. It should not be comprehensive in nature but rather it should be like a report highlighting research findings filtered from several source documents. In general the review paper should not exceed 10000 words.
Original research Paper : It provides a detailed description and discussion on the original research contribution performed. In general the original research contribution paper should not exceed 6000 words.
Short Communications : It provides a brief and summarized description of the literatures examined. In general the short communications should not exceed 2000 words.
Letters to the editor : It can be submitted either formally or informally to the editor. It provides comment on the recently published article in the journal and discussion on recent inventions and innovations in the field of science.
Manuscript Preparation
Authors are advised to submit the manuscript either in doc or docx format of MS Word.
The manuscript must be prepared in single-column format with normal font (like font type - Times new roman; font size - 12; line spacing - 1.15) for text.
Manuscript to be submitted should have a relevant, clear and definite manuscript title.
All Authors name, email id, postal communication address of the affiliated institute must be provided.
One author must be designated as a corresponding author for all future correspondence from the journal.
Abstract should contain a maximum of 200 - 250 words. It should be concise and brief. Irrelevant and unwanted information should be avoided in abstract. It should not contain any references and unclear abbreviations.
Authors should provide a maximum of 4 - 6 keywords relevant to the manuscript.
Content of the article should be presented in an appreciable manner with high English vocabulary.
All figures and tables in the manuscript should be placed along with the text in their appropriate places.
All figures included should be cited consecutively with Arabic numbers and must have a suitable caption at the bottom of each figure.
All tables included should be cited consecutively with Arabic numbers and must have a suitable caption at the top of each table.
All formulas and equations must be included using equation editor. It should not be represented as images.
Abbreviations that are not standard and common must be defined in a footnote on the first page of manuscript.
Acknowledgments, if any, must be placed after conclusion but before references.
All references should be numbered consecutively and must be cited using numbers in square brackets like [1], [2] and so on in the text.
Reference format for journal, conference, book chapter and so on is specified below: